Click on Start -> Programs-> Ahead Nero -> Nero Express
Make sure that your burner is selected in the “Which recorder would
you like to use” box, make sure that “image recorder” is not selected.
Then click “Data” and Choose “Data Disk”
When you see the window entitled : “Disc Content”, either drag your
files from Windows Explorer into the window OR Click on the “Add” button
and select your files from there.
When finished choosing your files, click “Next”
On this screen, you can give your disk a name by typing it into the
“Disk Name:” field.
Uncheck the box that says: “Allow files to be added later (multisession
disk) and pick a writing speed. (For important files such as photos or
music CDs, burn as as slow a speed as possible. (i.e. 1x or 4x if 1x is
not available.) This allows the burner to “burn” the image to the disk
more completely.)
Once you’ve set these settings, click “Burn”
Now wait a few minutes, and your disk will be burned and verified ( to
make sure it’s readable. )
Now store your disk in a safe place.