Create business Cards in Microsoft Word XP

When in Word, Click on the Tools menu
Choose Letters and Mailings, then Envelopes and Labels

Click on the Labels tab, then click “Options”

In the “Product Number” area, choose any of the “Business card” options, for example: “5371 – Business Card” then click “OK”

Back on the Labels tab, click on “New Document”

Back in the Main window, you will see your page divided into 10 sections or “cells”.

Create your business card in the first cell, then highlight the “cell” that you just finished creating, by going to the Table menu, and choose ” Select” then “Cell” then go to the Edit menu, and choose “Copy”

Once you’ve done this, click in the next blank cell, then click the edit menu, and choose “paste”. Repeat this with each empty cell, until you have a full page of business cards.

Now print them.